Sharing Kloud-12 Video Files can be done in three ways:
- Sharing from inside Kloud-12, in the "My Cloud Recordings Section" of your dashboard.
- Sharing videos from inside your Google or OneDrive account, individually.
- Sharing the Kloud-12 folder of recording files, inside your Google or OneDrive account.
Sharing inside of the Kloud-12 dashboard, from My Cloud Recordings:
In the "My Cloud Recordings" section of your dashboard, you can browse files of completed recording from your camera. Use the drop-down to navigate to different folders, if needed. Selecting the green share arrow in any of the files listed will allow you to share your video file from inside the Kloud-12 app with another registered Kloud-12 user in your building. This could be another teacher, a principal, or a tech admin. Simply select the user's account from the drop-down menu, choose whether they will have access to the file as a "Viewer" or as an "Editor," and then click "Save." You will get a confirmation pop-up that the file has been successfully shared.
Sharing videos in Drive Individually:
Sharing files from within the dashboard is a good way to give recording access to other Kloud-12 users or administrators that you work with. However, remember that you must be on school campus in order to log into your dashboard. You can also share the same recording files outside of your dashboard, by navigating to the Kloud-12 folder inside of your Drive, which syncs with your Kloud-12 account. This will allow you to share individual video files with any email address, as needed. You will be able to see the people who have access in the “Who has access” section of the file information.
IMPORTANT: Kloud-12 recommends following your school district's policy and FERPA guidelines when sharing video content, which may be considered part of a student's record.
Sharing the Kloud-12 folder in Drive:
You may also share your entire Kloud-12 folder with another person via Drive. Right-clicking on the folder and selecting “share” will allow you to do this. Please note that only recordings completed AFTER sharing the folder will be accessible to the new user. Previous recordings will have to be shared manually by one of the two processes above.
If you encounter any issues with sharing or viewing shared recordings, please contact and attach a screenshot of the error you are seeing.
- Screenshots can be done on Windows with Windows Key + Shift + S
- Or by using the Snipping Tool application on your computer
- It can be done on Mac with Shift + Command + 5
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